Saturday, 25 February 2012

Noel Fielding's scribbling's of a Madcap Shambleton review

Noel Fielding's scribbling's of a madcap shambleton is to be specific a surreal art book full of his art from the past 5 or so years according to Noel. The book is full of drawings and paintings he's done, most of them have a story behind them which of course Noel tells us about. He also has a lot of drawings of Luxury Comedy characters in his book- SGT Boombox for example.
There are also little chapter things in the book one of them is called 'Bryan Ferry VS the Jellyfox' another is called 'These people are stupid' and my personal favourite is one dedicated to Elvis Presley called 'a liquid flask of Elvis'. In the middle of the book he's got a page full of fans who sent TVO their picture to be part of Noels tiny children which is really cute in my opinion and if you are one of his tiny children, congratuwelldone!
In the front of the book Dexter Dalwood, Noels first fine art teacher has wrote a couple of words about Noel and Noel also introduced himself. He says that he was a shy child and that art helped him break the shy mold and that this book was his way of combining comedy and art together!
In all honesty my favourite painting would have to be, by far, 'Love stick' if you don't know which painting I am on about it is page 214-215 in scribbling's of a madcap shambleton. Dave Brown, Noel Fielding's best friend from university and Bollo in the mighty boosh done the majority of the photography for the book and put the book together for Noel!
On twitter @AlineTweets91 says 'It's visually, overwhelmingly stunning. Everything fits together perfectly. It's only fault is that there's a last page' agreed! I never wanted the book to end! It was so colourful. @TabbyCatxoxo says 'I really liked it, t'was a unique insight into his mind. Although it was nearly taken off me cause some parts are rude' Agreed, a few pages are VERY rude and may require parental consent so if you are going to buy this book and are under 14 years of age, you may need to ask a parent to buy you it and @Nell_Avenal says 'to be honest, I didn't read it all, but my heart hurts, he's so happy and I didn't do it cause my heart hurts'
So there you go, good reviews all round and if you're like me and are lucky to have it signed, or be one of his tiny children, treasure it! If you don't have your copy of scribbling's it's available in waterstones right now for £10 (UK readers only) if you are outside the UK you can always go to Amazon where there will defiantly be some copies available. Get yours today!

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