Saturday, 24 March 2012

Update guys!

Hello guys!
So sorry that I haven't wrote anything in a few days, or that I haven't posted the interview, again, I've had to push that back and I cannot give a date or anything as to when I'm going to post it, sorry! I've been very busy with revising and everything lately, being in year 11 is a lot of work (just wait til college!) and I really want to pass my exams, so I can pursue in journalism so I can write for you lovely lot in magazines such as NME!
Please forgive me I haven't been so busy in such a long time and as soon as I get a free few hours, I'll write you guys an essay on something, or a rant about something and I will post the interview up as well. I'm seeing the Hunger Games tonight so I might review that for you lovely lot!
My apologize (I'm so sorry, please don't hurt me)
Jasmine the Jellyfox x

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