Thursday, 8 March 2012


Hello fellow Jellyfoxers, as I'm sure you may (or may not have) heard about Joseph Kony, if you have I hope you've joined the campaign to stop him, if you haven't he's basically a Ugandan warlord kidnapping young African females as sexslaves and young African males as child soldiers. Sick I know, we live in a world like this unfortunately, it's a shame isn't it?
Anyway, there is this clip on youtube which explains all about the campaign. Uganda has as much of a right to freedom as places as America and England. Why aren't we asking our government to help us capture him? We have loads of people out there looking for Kony, but we need more.
Children as young as we are, are fighting for their lives in Uganda, but do we care?! No because all we care about is ourselves, our health and our power, but let me tell you this: it's OUR world and WE are ignoring people, just like US, who are giving the biggest cry for help, but we're too stuck up our arses to even listen to their constant cries.
We moan about education, we moan about jobs, we moan about our laptops and our phones dying. These children don't get an education, these children kill for their job and these children do NOT get the technology we have, why would they?! To Kony these children are just weapons. Think about it, if you were forced to kill your own family and kidnapped into a war you never wanted to be part of, how would you feel? If you tried to escape, your throat would be slit and you'd be left to die.
Now I'm not saying all of the worlds people haven't heard their cries because some people have and it sickens me to know that only a certain percentage of the world haven't heard about this man. Please if you haven't seen the video, here's the link: it shows you how you can help.
On April 20th 2012 I will go around my town on the night and cover my town with posters of Kony, and join the 'cover the night' protest. Please if you can, gather as many people, friends, family members, whoever on April 20th and 'Cover the Night' it's for a good cause and you WILL be making a difference in the world.
The video is a half hour long but trust me it is worth watching. The whole way through, and if you want to help stop Kony, please join the campaign, beg your parents, your grandparents, your friends, anyone you see to help stop this man. If this was England and some man was kidnapping children and forcing them to kill it'd be on the news straight away, so why isn't this?! Uganda have no form of media, no way of making us hear their cries, we've got to do it for them.
If my huge ramble about this, or that video hasn't made you bothered one bit, then you're clearly an awful human being. CHILDREN AS YOUNG AS 5 ARE DYING. If that's not upsetting, then I don't know what is.

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