Red Riding Hood is a film about a young girl named Valarie (Amanda Seyfried) who lives in a cursed village called Daggerhorn. The village is cursed by a warewolf which lives among the villagers and is a villager themselves. Valarie is engaged to be married to Henry Lazar (Max Irons) but she's really in love with Peter (Shiloh Fernandez) The warewolf who plagues their town wants Valarie to run away with them causing everyone to turn against Valarie and set her up as bait so the town can kill it.
There's a LOT of foreshadowing going on in this film with 3 certain people, Her grandmother (Julie Christie), Henry and Peter. When Valarie meets the warewolf, she sees their dark brown human eyes causing her to think of these three people. The phrases they say and the way they act makes you think that one of these three people could be the warewolf.
One of the main faults I could pick out in this film is the fact that the character who actually is the warewolf, you never really see much of, some of you may think of this as a good thing but on the other hand it can get rather confusing. The genres of this film are fantasy, horror and mystery. I think it's more of a mystery than fantasy and horror as the only fantasy it has in it is the warewolf and the fact that their is a warewolf isn't in fact scary at all. There is a lot of mystery going on.
I'd recommend this film to twilight fans and people who are big fans of fantasy films or warewolf films- maybe Harry Potter fans as well?
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