Monday, 12 March 2012

Dolly Wells- Lady of Luxury interview!

Hello fellow Jellyfoxers, as you know I, Jasmine, interview many people in the world of Boosh and I have been gifted an interview from the Luxury Lady herself Dolly Wells! She's starred in many of programs with Noel, such as the IT crowd, The Mighty Boosh and of course Luxury Comedy! You guys asked the questions and she's giving you the answers! Right here, right now! Read and enjoy!

1. What did you want to be when you were 16? @FleurNoire11 via twitter.
When I was 16 I'm pretty sure I wanted to be an actrass/comedian. It was what my dad did.
2. How did you get involved with Luxury Comedy? @StoopidarseJess via twitter.
I'd been good friends with Noel since we met on IT crowd. He'd said he was doing a show and wanted me to be in it but I didn't want to get too excited in case it didn't happen. And it did and he gave me the first draft of a script and I was so pleased and flattered and up for being a part of it. He is a wildly talented and special individjewel.
3. How did you get into your acting career? @EdgySatsumaKyna via twitter
I went to LAMDA and got an agent at the end of year performance
4. Was Luxury Comedy different from other projects you've been in? Sunflaash via tumblr.
Yes, LC was very different from other projects. First off we were all friends before we started so it felt collaborative. We were involved in our costumes- mine was based on a one armed dress I got in Paris- we got to rehearse and muck about and the whole process was really really fun and creative.
5. If you weren't acting, what other job would you want to do? @LeftyLefty95 via twitter.
I'd just be a writer, I think. Except I like being around people too much, so maybe a teacher too?
6. Is there any other projects that you'd love to be involved in besides those you are already involved in/ been in? My own question.
Since I got obsessed by Abigail's party when I was 16 I was desperate to work with Mike Lee. Sent endless letters, heard he replied to letters. He never did. His loss?! I would love to work with Julia Davis. Think she'd be brilliant. Oh there's loads and loads I'm still dying to do. Luckily. Be miserable if there wasn't.
7. What/who was your favourite person/thing to play in LC? @MarryLaNuit via twitter.
I loved playing 'Dolly' obviously. Once I'd got over using my own name! Loved being a chav, a leek, Raymond Boombox! Deer.. All of them. Really fun.
8. Who has been your favourite character to play (in Luxury Comedy or not)? Floppy-hump via tumblr.
I'm really enjoying the character I'm playing now in Some Girls. She's a freak. Can't tell you anymore.
9. What part of Luxury Comedy was most fun for you to film? @Rubberband_girl via twitter.
The drums! Loved playing the drums. And dancing. I remember when Tom, Mike and I done the floating around but at the end we couldn't stop laughing. Can't remember why. Noel was asleep on the floor, spread out like he'd fallen from a great height. That might of started it. It was all fun for me. I don't have to be racing around doing a million things like Noel and Nigel so I can just make silly jokes about David Jason to try and make Noel laugh while we sat at his desk.
10. What's it like working with Noel? Is he laid back during filming and what not? Courtney via Facebook
Noel is great fun to work with. Very generous and encouraging. It was quite full on for him as I said in 9. He'd have to think about music, scrips, costumes, painting everything etc so it was pretty hectic for him but we'd all sit around at lunch and piss about.
11. What/who was your favourite Luxury Comedy character? @Chloeecakes via twitter.
I don't have a favourite character I don't think. Loved Jellyfox, Dondylion, Tony Reason, Fantasy man. Joey Ramone being 'naked from the waist up' made me and my daughter laugh for weeks!

So there you guys have it! The Luxury lady herself has answered your questions! Sorry if I didn't include yours, I got sent in a lot of questions and could only pick so many! You can catch Dolly Wells in the Party episode of The Mighty Boosh, the dinner party episode of the IT crowd, Luxury Comedy and other amazing projects she has mentioned above!

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